“last night, in my dreams, i had a conversation with the moon. we spoke about the beauty of her glow, and despite the present darkness, still, she said, she saw light.
she said, like her, we also glow but, this glow is different. different from that of a fire’s flame, or the sun’s glow in a red sky. she said, you glow like burning embers. embers that pulse, beam and change depending how long they have been burning, and from what angle one is looking at them. she said, you glow like the smoldering remains of a phoenix, just after She burns.
finally, she explained how beauty forms in and from many things. sometimes from life. sometimes from ruins.”
I know it is not true. Not true that the ask of those in Palestine, Tigray, Darfur, Afghanistan and Pakistan, DRC, Syria and right here in the Americas, is to stop living our lives for them. Instead, the ask is for us to live our lives in consideration of them. Consider life in the same way you desire me to consider yours and I desire you to consider mine; desire for us to see, and acknowledge, deeply know and understand that life, no matter what or whose, is to be considered.
Can you imagine what living on this earth would be like if nature Herself ceased to consider the life forms which inhabit it?
Daily I have been waking to the internal question, why have you stopped writing, stopped speaking about the darkness? The loss, the grief, fear, anguish…helplessness. My answer has been, what more can I say that has not already been said?
Today, tonight, as I pieced these words together, it dawned on me,
Until there is nothing left to speak on — to see, to acknowledge, to awaken to, to understand — there will always be something to say, even if the words are repeated.
And then, another thought came.
What if every word written, and spoken is the prayer? And how we choose to live this life, who we consider and how we care is the answer?
Tomorrow when I wake to new questions, I will remember, we live and experience through all parts of this being, in light, in darkness, and in ruin.
From our roots, and stems, edges, and ends, above ground and below, through the darkness and the shadows we see ourselves through dimension, and we reimagine and build from here.
di·men·sion /dəˈmen(t)SH(ə)n/ (noun)
a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height.
an aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing.
— ẹniafẹ isis
“Until there is nothing left to speak on — to see, to acknowledge, to awaken to, to understand — there will always be something to say, even if the words are repeated.” Needed this reminder. Repetition is part of the learning process